Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gas Light Fixtures Create A Period Atmosphere

Gas light fixtures can create an old world atmosphere in even the most modern of homes. Whether they are housing static light bulbs or something which can create the special effect of a gas flame, you can still look up and think you have traveled back in time.

You can create this effect in any room, but the gas lamp effect works best in room where you are going to be relaxing. Use it in a living room where you will be lying back listening to soft music, or in the bedroom where you need to relax before going to sleep. You can, though, if you want to, use gas style lighting for a study or work room.

There is really no limit to the different uses to which gas style lighting can be put. If you are using it in a living room setting, you will need to decide whether you want to use the standard gas style fitting with an ordinary electric bulb, or whether you want something more adventurous. If your aim is to create the best period atmosphere, you will need to use a fitting which has a part to create the effect of gas lighting. This is possible for both wall lights and stand alone lamps.

In the bedroom it is better to choose a standard light fitting, as the effect may become a distraction. If you find it soothing, though, you can always fit a dual purpose system. This will allow you to switch between the two as you choose. If you are really adventurous, you can even experiment with gas style  lighting in a kitchen or bathroom setting.

There is no reason why gas light fixtures cannot be made to give out every bit as much light as standard fittings. To make this happen, you would be better off choosing a standard light bulb fitting. These fixtures can take powerful light bulbs with a high wattage, low energy light bulbs, or even full spectrum lighting. The need for style must never compromise the even greater need for adequate lighting in a study area. On great advantage of gas light fittings is that they are versatile, and can be placed virtually anywhere.

When you are looking for authentic gas light fixtures, you basically have two choices. You can either visit the retail stores hoping that you will find what you are looking for, or you can search online. If you can find a gas style fitting in a store, it will let you see the effect at first hand. This can be useful with this style of lighting even if the store bears no resemblance to your room. You are more likely, though, to fin what you need online, as you will have access to many suppliers of gas light fixtures.

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